Jaya Rehabilitation Institute & Research Center
Story of Esther Lekha

I feel very happy, I am going back to Pune on 3rd August 2011 and I will come back after a month to continue my Rehabilitation. My heartfelt thanks to the rehab team, Trust board and donors.Esther Lekha, age 17 years, daughter of Mr. Samuel Divakar resident of Pune had fallen from a height near her house on 14th January 2010. She incurred a spinal injury to L-1 vertebrae. She received first aid at Krishna Hospital in Pune, from there she was transferred to the regional Hospital. She received surgery for spinal decompression and internal fixation nine days after her injury. After the surgery she underwent Physiotherapy in the hospital as well as in her home after discharge, she continued therapy for about a year and half. She was then referred to the Jaya Rehabilitation Institute.
– Esther Lekha
She arrived at the Jaya Rehabilitation Institute and Research Center, Bidada, Mandvi Kutch, Gujarat on 12th may 2011 for rehabilitation.
When she arrived she was bound to her wheel chair and was only able to walk a few steps with a walker. After 2 months of Rehabilitation she is now able to walk with a pair of elbow crutches for more than half kilometer daily. She is independent in all her daily living activities.
The unique Jaya Rehabilitation Institute & research center has various departments which specialize in Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Orthotics, Prosthetics, Vocational Training, and Speech & audiology. The facility provides modern accommodations with all the necessary amenities for its patients and relatives. It also provides free of cost treatment the less fortunate people of India.